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UPDATE! 20 April, 2018 Mr. Rich has added a Salad Bar to the Tilton Location.

The Salad Bar comes with dinners, and can be added to a 'sandwich' for lunch for $3.
Soup and Salad, or the salad bar by itself are also available. profile of: Rich's Family Restaurant

Seven Questions with Rich Imeri, owner.

date of interview, 1 February, 2018

  1. How long have you been in business / and in this location?
    -    He opened the Tilton restaurant in 2006. The one in Ogden near I-74 opened in 2013. Then the Deluxe in downtown Danville in 2014. Mr. Imeri reports that all three places are doing good.
  2. How many employees?
    -    In Tilton, 15.
  3. Although it may be obvious, what is your business?
    -    A sit-down restaurant with full menu.
  4. What do you want people to know about this place?
    -    Family owned, good basic food for everybody.
  5. What is the main advantage you see for being located here?
    -    High traffic at the Ross Lane and Georgetown Road Light. This area needed a nice place like this.
  6. Any plans to expand?
    -    Just added a slot machine room. Beer sales with meals has been increasing. He's thinking about adding a wine list, "I always do what the customers need."
  7. Anything else you'd like to be on the website about your business.
    -    Open seven days, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and phone order - carry out is available. He has a 'meeting area' that can seat 30 - 40 people.

Mr. Rich Imeri

Rich's Restaurant in Ogden...

2000 Georgetown Road, Tilton, IL, 61833

phone numbers
Tilton: 217-443-9666
Ogden: 217-582-2777

Rich's Deluxe: 217-431-6160

Hours in Tilton:
Sunday - Thursday: 6 AM - 10 PM
Friday and Saturday: 6 AM - 11 PM

Website: in Tilton and Ogden.
and: in Danville.


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